Monday, March 10, 2014

OPPS WAY BEHIND ---the Rest of February

February 15:
I'm thankful for a reliable car. I'm thankful for YSA dances for my siblings. I'm thankful for being able to drop by a friend's house last minute and talk with them.  I'm thankful for a sweet family.  I'm thankful for my parents being such amazing grandparents to my kids. 

February 16:
I'm thankful  for the Atonement.

February 17:
I'm thankful that I live in a place where medical care is so readily available.  I"m grateful for a wonderful pediatrician who takes time to listen to my concerns, is so kid friendly, and is so close!  I"m grateful for healthy children who are growing and developing as they should

February 18:
I'm grateful for play dates with friends.  I'm grateful for YOGA night as part of Depression Support Group! I'm grateful for Ann for teaching it!  I'm grateful for thoughtfulness, meditation, and the chance to relax my body and mind.  I'm grateful for the ability to serve others and to be served.

February 19:
Grateful for Alex, Brianna, and Gavin

February 20:
I'm so grateful for visiting teaching and the ability to share the gospel with friends and ward members.  I'm grateful for such a reliable companion and for amazing sisters.  I'm so grateful for the spirit in my life.

February 21:
Thankful it's Friday.

February 22: 
I'm grateful for wonderful friends.  Today's Sheri's birthday and I just am so grateful for her! She's been such a great friend, study buddy, neighbor, and colleague.  She's just stinkin awesome! I'm grateful for her today

February 23:
I'm grateful Alex will be back in less than a week.  I"m grateful and thankful for those moms and dads who parent alone and how much respect I have for them.  I'm grateful for families.  I'm grateful for the sacrament.

February 24:
Grateful for FHE and for the opportunity to teach gospel principles to my kids!

February 25:
Grateful for a warm bed, comfy house, and enough food to eat and feed my family.  I'm very grateful for warm blankets, washer and dryer, soap, and clean clothes.

February 26:
I'm grateful for my education and the opportunity I had to go to college.  I know that that's a blessing and that not everyone gets.  I'm grateful that I can read and write and express myself. (although not so fluent/eloquent in the verbal area :) )  I'm grateful for comprehension and reasoning.

February 27:
I'm really grateful for TEMPLES!  I love that we live relatively close to a temple and we can get there without having to save for months or for making it a day/couple day long trip.  I am grateful for the spirit I feel there. I know that in those Holy walls, sacred work is being done.  I'm grateful for our church's emphasis on work for the dead so that everyone can have access to those saving ordinances. I'm grateful for girls night out with my mom and my dear friend Destiny.  O and I always see someone I know at the temple and today it was Guyanna for LDSFS.

February 28:
Grateful that Alex surprised all of us and he CAME HOME today!  I was so thankful for him and his dedication as he was away at his last away rotation. I'm grateful for his education.  I'm grateful for snuggles and hugs from my Alex.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 29  Feb 14
I'm grateful for a day to celebrate those I love. I'm grateful to be able to talk to Alex via skype.  I'm grateful for chocolate.  I'm grateful for shovels and our family working together to shovel our long long driveway.

Day 30
I'm grateful I have become more aware of my blessings. I'm grateful for warmer weather. I'm grateful to hvae wonderful parents who are willing to watch my kiddos.  I'm grateful for some alone time as I drive Marie and Ben to their YSA dance. I'm grateful to drop by the Guenther's house and just catch up.

Day 31
Grateful for modern medicine.  I thought Bri had strep and she had all the symptoms including a really high fever.  I'm grateful for a loving mom who loves helping out and taking care of my little ones, especially when they are sick. I'm grateful for when dinner plans are amazingly delicious and cheap.

Day 32
I'm grateful for delicious dinners. I'm grateful for having warm house, food, clothes, bed to sleep in, and so many more comfort things.  I'm grateful that I can read.  I'm grateful for criminal system and trying to put those who are danger to others away. Wish for more rehab services too

Day 33
I'm grateful for yoga night! I'm grateful for a wonderful friend Ann who is willing to teach it to group tonight! I'm grateful for time to meditate and focus on my breathing. I'm grateful for kids feeling better. Grateful for nap time.  Grateful for yummy fried chicken my mom made

Day 34
Grateful for computers. Grateful to be able to Skype with Alex. Grateful for our marriage.  Grateful for friends.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Opps Catch Up---Written in a Word Document

Day 22
I’m thankful for family and friends! I am grateful for family time! I’m grateful for a warm house and a microwave and stove.

Day 23
I’m grateful it’s Friday.  I’m grateful for Skype so we can talk and see Daddy/Alex. I’m grateful for my cats and the cats at my house. I’m grateful for silly tv shows.  I’m grateful for running water

Day 24
I’m grateful for cleaning Saturdays.  I’m grateful for friends.  I’m grateful for warm blankets.  I’m grateful for the gospel and the blessings therein.  I’m grateful for visiting teaching

Day 25
I’m so grateful for crockpot dinners.  I’m grateful for plenty of clothes.  I’m grateful for beaituful children who remind me to look at the simple things.  I’m grateful for the cute little laughs from both G and B.

Day 26
I’m grateful for church.  I don’t get much out of it right now but I know that I am creating habits.  I’m grateful for wonderful women and men who have dedicated their life to help others.  I’m grateful for the wonderful apostles and prophets today and in the past.

Day 27
I’m grateful for play dates.  I love seeing friends, having the kids play and being able to have some mom talk time. I’m grateful for warm blankets, heat, and power.  I am grateful for snow and even more grateful that I don’t have to go out in the snow (at least later tonight). I’m grateful for shrimp night (we got it on sale whoo hoo).  I’m grateful for Storyville too.

Day 28:
I’m grateful for snow days and being trapped inside. Grateful to play with my kids and have fun together.  I’m grateful for snow cream and heat.  I’m grateful for homemade bread bowls and chicken florentine soup. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 21

I'm really grateful for play dates with amazing friends.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to talk about family's plans for the upcoming year. I'm grateful for car seats, seat belts, and the sun! Grateful for friends! Grateful for easy dinner: BBQ chicken sandwiches with coleslaw, sweet potato fries, and dessert of smores.  Grateful for family movie night tonight

Day 20

I'm grateful for not having to go out for anything right now. (everything's covered in ice).  Grateful for a wonderful group of friends I get to meet with each week.  Grateful for taco soup.  Grateful for family.  Grateful for my wonderful children who are so sweet an truly help me to grow and develop. Grateful for the Atonement and the opportunity to return to the presence of my Heavenly Father.

Day 19

I'm grateful for warm house. Grateful for weather reports.  Grateful for the opportunity to watch some other kids :)   Grateful for easy dinner ideas

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 18

I'm grateful for a warm house. I'm grateful for crockpot meals. I'm grateful for a full pantry...which means I am so grateful to be able to go grocery shopping and have some food storage too!  I'm grateful for my two sweet kids who remind me the sweet and simple things in life! I'm grateful for the kids bathtime.  I'm grateful to not worry about where I will stay the night each night.  I'm grateful for energy and electricity.  I'm grateful for hand soap and hand sanitizer.  I'm grateful for washer and dryer.